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Just Blog To Educate

Understanding the Role of Blinkers in Safe Driving
I’m here to shed light on an overlooked aspect of road safety: blinkers. They’re not just for show, they play a crucial role in communication on the roads. I’ll debunk some common misconceptions,...
The Importance of Using Blinkers When Driving
I’m a stickler for road safety, and I’ve noticed a growing disregard for blinkers among drivers. It’s not just about following the law – it’s about communication on the...
Driving on the Highway and Using Blinkers: A Guide to Safe and Proper Driving
Driving on the Highway and Using Blinkers: A Guide to Safe and Proper Driving Driving on the highway is a necessary part of everyday life for many people. It can be a convenient and efficient way to...
The Importance of Knowing When to Use Your Horn While Driving
Driving can be a stressful experience, especially when you encounter unexpected situations on the road. One of the most important tools at your disposal is your car horn. Knowing when to use your horn...
car lights
Debunking Common Misconceptions About Turn Signals
Turn signals are an important safety feature that drivers often misunderstand. Many drivers believe that turn signals are optional or only necessary when turning. However, these misconceptions can lead...
car accident
Master the Art of Evasive Driving: Tips and Techniques
Master the Art of Evasive Driving: Tips and Techniques Driving can be a dangerous activity, especially when you encounter unexpected situations on the road. Evasive driving is a set of techniques that...
car brakes
How to Properly Use Brakes: Tips and Techniques
Content Outline: I. Introduction – Brief explanation of the importance of using brakes properly – Overview of the article II. Understanding Brakes – Explanation of how brakes work –...
car driver
Driver Safety Course Online
Online Safety Course for Drivers Welcome to our free online safety course for drivers. Our course is designed to help you improve your driving skills and learn how to stay safe on the road. As a responsible...
Online Fleet Safety Certification
Content Outline: I. Introduction – Briefly introduce the company and its online fleet safety certification program – Highlight the importance of fleet safety certification II. Benefits of Online...
Improve Your Driving Skills with Safety Training
Content Outline: I. Introduction – Briefly introduce the company and its safety training services – Highlight the importance of improving driving skills and staying safe on the road II. About...
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Who We Are

First we love the Lord with all our hearts, mind and strength and we love our neighbors as ourselves.  We are a family who believes that character and integrity are very important in our everyday lives.  
We care about people, serving our community and the safety of others.  
We are parents and grandparents who try to instill in our children and grandchildren the importance of loving God and people and to establish honesty and strong moral principles in them.